Marilyn is a specialised expert consultant on cultural, social and environmental impacts of colonisation and development on First Nations communities and Country. Marilyn has a unique blend of expertise and experience that draws from anthropology, and psychotherapy grounded in a trauma-informed framework of practice.

Marilyn’s research methodology and approach is informed by Indigenous research methodologies, narrative inquiry and trauma-informed and integrated approach.

Some of Marilyn’s recent work with First Nations communities:

·      Indigenous Lifewriting Project with Aunty Irene Davey, senior Bardi Jawi cultural elder from Ardyaloon community in the Kimberley (2021 to 2023).

·      Current Initiatives Paper on Prevention and Early Intervention Programs for Indigenous Young People in Australia – Collaboration with the Gulbujargu (My River) Personal Development Program as an example of effective Indigenous-led prevention and early intervention program for Aboriginal young people aged 16 to 26 years in Fitzroy Valley region in West Kimberley (2021 to 2022).

·      Videography of the return of repatriated sacred cultural artifacts to Bardi Jawi Traditional Owners, commissioned by AIATSIS (September 2019).

·   Looking After Country. Short documentary film commissioned by Yanunijarra Aboriginal Corporation (December 2019).

·      Seconded as part of the Jawun Program to work with the Marninwarntikura Women’s Resource Centre in Fitzroy Crossing, West Kimberley on Indigenous strategic trauma intervention programs and scoping economic and social impacts and costs of intergenerational trauma (June 2019).

·      Wanami Women’s Cultural Camp. Videography and Photography for the Wanami Women’s Cultural Camp Report commissioned by the Kimberley Aboriginal Law and Cultural Centre (June 2019).

Working on Country with Our First Nations Peoples

In May/June 2019, Marilyn spent 6 weeks working with the Marninwarntikura Women’s Resources Centre in Fitzroy Crossing in West Kimberley as part of the wonderful Jawun program. Marilyn worked alongside Indigenous elders and communities on transforming intergenerational trauma. During her time in the Kimberley, Marilyn had the amazing opportunity to be invited to be part of the Wanami Women’s Cultural Camp Bunuba and Ngarinyin women elders, and to visually document the event. It was a rich and fully immersive experience which has renewed her commitment to advocacy for Voice. Treaty. Truth. for our First Nations Peoples.

For more information on our consultancy work, please contact us via the link below:

Wanami Women’s Cultural Camp, June 2019

Wanami Women’s Cultural Camp, Windjana Gorge, June 2019

On-Country Lifewriting project with Aunty Irene Davey, Gumbanan, 2021.

Bardi Jawi women elders with some of the repatriated cultural artefacts, September 2020


Marilyn with a group of students at the Fitzroy Valley District High School, September 2019